Re: Exploiting the Nokia N900 release

El jue, 03-09-2009 a las 20:20 +0200, Roberto Galoppini escribió:
> >> Are we in touch with these people?
> >
> > Well, a lot of gnomes are/ware involved on the development of Maemo, but I
> > think that the right person to ask is Quim Gil, he is Development platform
> > product manager and he was member of the Board of Directors of GNOME.
> Could we possibly get a quote also from maintaniers working on the
> GNOME technologies used in the NOKIA phone?
> Any hint, in this respect?

By now I tried to get on contact with some developers by irc with no
sucesss :(

Maybe, the best way to work on this is to get some feedback from Quim
about the GNOME technologies (guess from) used on Maemo 5/Nokia N900
and, after that, to contact these maintaners/developers.

PS: I add copy to Quim Gil. Hi Quim !. I thought you can help on this
from your post on Nokia and for your GNOME involvement. Thank you very
much in advance !!!. This thread is from the GNOME Marketing List on

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