
Thank you for the reply.

For now, I would like to a fix for this page:
that wrongly says that we "do not clearly identify some software that is not free or open source." This is not true you see, we made more prominent the difference in the license in 2006 when the Gnome guys of the time asked us to do so in this very mailing list.

Then, maybe a link somewhere more prominently would be good, because now a user has to click 3 times to get to the page that links to our site, and that's from a page that has way too many links anyways. Maybe a more prominent link somewhere would do the job, there's no need for a full banner IMHO.


From: "Diego Escalante Urrelo" <diegoe gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 11:35 PM
To: "Eugenia Loli-Queru" <eloli hotmail com>
Cc: <marketing-list gnome org>
Subject: Re:

On 6/18/08, Eugenia Loli-Queru <eloli hotmail com> wrote:, the only GTK-only software repository out there, is dying:
 I need your help.

My humble opinion is that if there's no issue regarding content or
tech details, we should:
- update the text $somewhere (please remind us Eugenia) to correctly
state what's to be found in gf.o
- put a promo link somewhere in (maybe a banner?)

I can't think right now of ways to enhance interaction between both
sides, but that's because it's 1 AM here, and I'm a bit sick.

If there's some problem with this, or if you have any other ideas,
please raise your hand and mail your opinion.

greetings everyone,


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