Re: Photo Library for Marketing

<quote who="Murray Cumming">

> I guess that sooner or later we're going to do some Happy Gnome People
> advertising campaign. When we do that we'll want some high quality photos
> of some attractive people, in some consistent style (though that could be
> a post-processing thing). We'll have to use community members as the
> models.
> GUADEC seems like a great time to get those photos done. Maybe the
> enthusiastic photographers could arrange a corner at GUADEC to take these
> photos in front of a screen, with whatever lights they need? What do you
> think, Tigert, Jakub, etc?

Is this a photo library of GNOME developers, or...?

- Jeff

GUADEC 2006: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain  
    "The postmodern version is: If all you have is duct tape, everything
   starts to look like a duct. Right. When's the last time you used duct
                       tape on a duct?" - Larry Wall

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