RE: [libxml++] [patch] Namespace class and custom_dom example

> I implemented XML Namespaces support against the current CVS.


Patches should really go in the sourceforge patch manager rather than the
mailing list.

> I also
> made an example custom_dom that demonstrates deriving classes from
> Element and using a SAX parser to build a tree of these 
> derived objects
> to make it easy to serialize and deserialize a custom DOM. 

I'm sorry, I don't understand what this is trying to do. I think it needs
some comments to explain what it tries to do, and how it does it.

> This example
> also tests the Namespace.

Could we please test the Namespace feature separately? I would be happy to
have _some_ use of namespaces in one of the existing simple examples.
> There are overloaded methods that can take a Namespace object as a
> parameter, but I have not tested these. The example, just uses the
> methods with prefix or prefix/uri parameters. 

Wouldn't it be simpler to just add the namespace parameter to the existing
methods (with a = std::string() default argument) instead of adding all the
methods overloads?

> I imagine the 
> methods that
> take a Namespace object might be useful with DOM 
> manipulations.

You mean when converting from one XML format to another? If you can do both
(use a prefix in the name, or specify the namespace prefix separately) then
I guess we could ask the libxml people why that possiblility exists.

We would need to make it clear, in the doxygen comments, that both
techniques are possible.

> For now,
> I wanted to get some implementation feedback for a merge to 
> ease ongoing
> development.
> I am using this as the basis for a rewrite of the Kino video 
> editor that
> uses the W3C SMIL2 for its project file format.

I found it on freshmeat. It looks very cool.

> We need namespaces
> support because we will have Kino specific features in it and only
> implement selective SMIL modules while doing other modules a different
> way. I will also look at Bakery soon to get ideas about how it
> approaches the Document_XML.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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