Re: [Libxmlplusplus-general] DomParser and SaxParser

On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 17:33, Christophe de VIENNE wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> I think in a soon future we should reimplement the DomParser on top of the Sax 
> Parser.
> It may be a bit more difficult, but it would avoid to have this temporary 
> libxml doc in memory, and especially all the nodes of the tree. We would 
> construct directly our Nodes structure.
> On small documents the current implementation is not a problem, but with big 
> ones it could save a LOT of memory...
> Any comments ?

Makes a lot of sense. 

The current DOM implementation is a bit disappointing in that it doesn't
provide namespace information. I presume DOM Core level 2 would be a
good target to head for.

It would be most convenient to do it on top of a SAX2 implementation in
order to get the namespace information, rather than redoing the
namespace handling purely for the DOM layer.  Of course, a SAX2 API
would make me very happy.

-- Edd

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