Re: kupfer questions

Hi Hugo,

2009/12/4 Hugo Shi <humongo shi gmail com>:
> I had two questions for you all,
> Is there a way to run kupfer without the window border at the top?
> what would it take to make that happen?

Anything is possible :-) but right now, you have to edit the source
code. It would be nice if the UI was replacable in the future, so that
you could add interface-changing plugins.
What you can do right now is to change how the window is created
(lines 1337-1345 in in Kupfer's source code). Something
like self.window.set_decorated(False) might be a start.

>  and also, the logout feature of xfce doesn't seem to work, and
> suspend/hibernate options don't show up in kupfer, is there a way to
> add them?  do i need to write a script and put it in Applications?

The logout/shutdown items are really gnome session-specific and we
should move them into a plugin named something like that. Then we'd
need a similar but separate plugin for XFCE session handling (unless
this can be cross-desktopified somehow).

An application would work, or an executable script in a folder that
you add to kupfer.

> Thanks.  Kupfer seems really great

Thank you!


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