[jokosher-devel] bug 76047, Can't play/record, "GStreamer general stream error"


I'm not a developer, but I'm the submitter of bug 76047.

The bug has been closed as "fix released", but I still wasn't able to get Jokosher working in a 64 bit environment so far.

When I reported the bug, I was running Ubuntu Edgy Eft, now I'm running Feisty.

davmor2 stated, on 2007-01-22:
"This is fixed if you install a fresh copy of ubuntu feisty post 19/01/07 yeah it works in 64bit. :)"

I didn't try it on a fresh installation of Feisty (mine was just upgraded from Edgy), but I tried it on a Feisty live CD: exactly the same errors.

I'm writing you just because I wasn't able to reopen the bug (maybe I don't have the permissions, maybe I just don't know how to do it)

Pietro Battiston

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