[jokosher-devel] Event.py - divide by zero

I turned my daughters onto Jokosher when they asked me how they could make mixes for their friends. I remembered Jono Bacon's posts on my Ubuntu blog feed, so we gave it a whirl. We found 0.1 from the repositories to be too unstable. 0.2 proved to work well enough for them to get started. My 13 year old daughter jumped right in.

They spent a few hours last night making mixes but they were unable to re-open their project. I fired it up in the console and received a divide by zero traceback. So I fired it up again in WingIDE in passive mode and found the following:

In __UpdateFadeLevels, line 754, levelsInThisSection is 0. Examining the contents of self.audioFadePoints, it is clear why there is a divide by zero,


[(0.0, 1.0), (14.0688, 1.0), (18.815999999999999, 0.22431372549), (20.172799999999999, 0.050000000000000003), (20.188800000000001, 0.0)]

It looks to me like my daughter created bogus fade points. The creation of an erroneous pair should be trapped, of course, but I need to recover from this error so they can reclaim their project. What would be a good fix? I'm going to kludge it so that levelsInThisSection is non zero for now.

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