Re: [jokosher-devel] [PATCH] Fixed solo button behaviour

On 18/06/07, Peteris Krisjanis <pecisk gmail com> wrote:
I disagree about such functionality. For example, Cubase allows to
have solos on as much instruments as you want. Therefore with Solo
fuction you can cherry pick channels for playing them together.
Otherwise you would have to silent rest of channels which is quite

Just my 2 cents,
Peteris Krisjanis.

2007/6/18, Knut Erik Teigen <knutert gmail com>:
> Hello again,
> I noticed that if you have soloed an instrument, when you press the solo
> button of another instrument, the previous instrument
> will still have solo status. The intuitive behavior is that if another
> instrument gets solo status, the solo status for the original instrument
> will be disabled.
> I've added code so that when the solo button is pressed, any other
> instruments with solo status are "unsoloed".
> Regards,
> Knut Erik Teigen

Firstly, hello Knut and welcome to the Jokosher project! Its awesome to see musical coders (or coding musicians) getting involved as you're exactly the kind of people the project needs on board to help it grow and to make the 1.0 release rock like that AC/DC performance at Donnington did.

With regards to the functionality I think that having multiple solo instruments (and calling the button Solo) is confusing. If Cubase does this and calls the button Solo then besides having no grasp of the English language they are idiots. The point of a solo is that it is just that - a piece or recording performed on its own. What is wrong with toggling the recording button on for those instruments you wish to use? I would hope that hitting the solo button allows users to concentrate solely on that channel - I imagine it is for this reason that Knut has added the code he has and it should therefore be considered for acceptance.



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