[jokosher-devel] Fwd: Two Questions

Right, the import audio is available for project (creates a new
instrument) as well as in the right click menu for instruments and via
drag 'n drop. I guess we can put change instrument type in the right
click menu too and get rid of that instrument menu altogether. For
consistency note that we don't provide a menu for events (all their
actions are in the right click menu).

Anyone object to removing the instrument menu?

You're not supposed to only have things available from the context
right-click menu; not everyone can use them, and they're not as
discoverable. It's supposed to be a quick way of getting to stuff if
you know it's there, not the only way of getting to stuff.


New Year's Day --
everything is in blossom!
I feel about average.
  -- Kobayashi Issa

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