Re: [jokosher-devel] Bug #78025 vs. Gnome HIG

On 05/01/07, Stuart Langridge <sil kryogenix org> wrote:
> I think the HIG is wrong here and we should use the dual Play/Pause
> thing here. I think we are fine as we are. :)

Personally, I think that having the Play button depressed when playing
is good, and we don't need to change it to Pause, because the
depressed button is more of an indicator that something's happening
than an undepressed button with "Pause" written on it :)
This really depends on your theme. Sometimes it's difficult to tell
that a button is pressed. It's certainly not obvious at a glance.

I think when you push a play button (even when it's depressed) it
should play, not pause. Having the play button change to a pause
button when pressed makes sense to me, but that could just be because
that's what I'm used to.

Having the icon change when the button is pressed vioates the
principle of least surprise because in real the real world button
labels don't change. I think it's worth doing, though, because a GUI
can do things that physical objects can't. Sticking to a real world
model hurts us in this case.

As always, I could be wrong.   :)

Jeff Ratliff (Gomer_X)

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