Re: [jokosher-devel] Outstanding bugs for 0.2

I would love to pitch in and help a bit more than what I have done so far, but I'm currently just too busy with other things I *must* finish first. I'm sorry for this, hopefully by the weekend I will have some more time to spare, but only by Sunday.

I hope Jokosher is not releasing by then?


On 11/14/06, Stuart Langridge <sil kryogenix org > wrote:
We've still got a few outstanding bugs which need fixing for the 0.2 release. is the two remaining critical unfixed 0.2 bugs is all the 0.2 bugs that aren't wishlist

As the gynaecologist said, it's time for the last big push :)

I should have the runscript finished tonight or tomorrow, which will
mean that it's easy for non-developer people to run Jokosher (well,
non-developer Ubuntu users ;)). It'd be cool to have people pitch in
on documentation as well; Jeff would love the help, I'm sure, over at

Not long to go now, gang. Very exciting :-)


I realise I'm using a different definition of the word "framework" to
the rest of the world, where it means "a really quick way to build
unaccessible database backed ajax web apps"
   -- Paul Hammond
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