Re: [jokosher-devel] Jokosher 0.2 run script for testing

On 11/8/06, David Morley <davmor2 gmail com> wrote:
Doesn't work on 64 bit included are errors.

Grr! The errors mean that it didn't succeed in compiling the GStreamer
plugins. Can you delete $HOME/Jokosher0.2checkout and then re-run the
script from a terminal, and then email me all the output from the

Needs to say "it needs subversion" rather than "svn" newcomers want
know what svn is, on the initial you need this to run the script

Oops. Yes, it should say "subversion". Typo.

also needs
automake => 1.7
libtool although the prog calls it libtoolize (so it took for every to find)

Yep. Remember when I said that it doesn't include build dependencies?
This is what I was talking about :)

I also added
build-essential package on ubuntu but I don't really know what is
included in that.  I also don't know which components of this package
are required for compiling.

All of it, broadly. That's why it's called "build-essential". Fedora
users; what packages would we need to specify to ensure that you have
(a) all the gstreamer build dependencies and (b) compilers, automake,
etc? For Ubuntu users I intend to say "run sudo apt-get install
build-essential; sudo apt-get build-deps gstreamer gnonlin
gst-python", but I don't know what to say for Fedora or SuSE
environments to get that stuff.


Your whole life flashed before your eyes? Cup of tea, cup of tea,
almost got shagged, cup of tea...
           -- Spike, Buffy The Vampire Slayer

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