Question about GdkEventButton in gtkmm-4.0


I hope this is the right place for this, sorry if not!

I'm trying to implement an example gtkmm 3.0 code in gtkmm 4.0 and ran into a problem. The goal is to get the cursor's coordinates and what type of click occurred when clicking on a button. In gtkmm 3.0, I could use GdkEventButton, as in this example from the docs:

bool on_button_press(GdkEventButton* event);
Gtk::Button button("label");
button.signal_button_press_event().connect( sigc::ptr_fun(&on_button_press) );

But GdkEventButton seems to no longer exist or no longer be accessible in gtkmm 4.0.

There is a reference to GdkEvent API changes in the migration documentation, but I still do not understand how to migrate that example code. Is anyone more familiar or has any sort of related example?

I've also posted this on stack overflow:

Thanks for your help,

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