Receiving signals, modify and send again to the SAME handler

I have a signal handler which successfully receives signals.
In this handler I want generate modified signals and send them to the object, so that the *same* handler will receive this new generated signals again.

I have the following code fragments:

win = new Gtk::Window;
m_canvas = new Goocanvas::Canvas;

sigc::connection conn_t1 = m_canvas->signal_event().connect( sigc::ptr_fun( &AnyEvent));

sigc::connection conn_t2 = win->signal_event().connect( sigc::ptr_fun( &WinHandler));

Now I also register an IdleHandler which emmits signals which I generated before:

Glib::signal_idle().connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &IdleSendEvent::Do));

What I want to achieve: The handler of the canvas should receive an event and should generate a new one and this one should send to the canvas object, so that it will call again the handler of the m_canvas->signal_event().

In other words: Indirectly via the Idle Handler the signal should be send to the sending object itself.

But if I fire to

g_signal_emit_by_name (m_canvas->gobj(), "button-press-event", event, &return_val);

the signal is not received in the canvas handler itself, but in some child objects there.

Q: How to emit again to the canvas? Is there something like "get_the_parent_signal_object_handler_father_receiver" or something strange?

I did a lot of gtk_widget_get_parent_window() but all results in runtime errors like:

(go:15430): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:3484: signal name 'button-press-event' is invalid for instance '0x9afbc48' of type 'GdkX11Window'

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