Re: compiling gtkmm with atkmm support fails in

On 18/11/2015 08:05, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:

gtkmmconfig.h is not handled like other header files. It's created from by ./configure. When you use MSVC, you don't use configure, right?

That's right in my case.  I simply copy '' to 'gtkmmconfig.h'

Only Gtk::Window contains the Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::AccelGroup> accel_group_ which also seems to be involved in a way that I don't understand.

I must admit, I'm also baffled by this.  In my simple example, the order of destruction seems to be this:-


And the crash / hang always happens while destroying Implementor.  I did notice this comment at line 53 of 'glibmm/glib/glibmm/':-

   //Any instantiable class that derives from Interface should also inherit from Object.

I noticed that Atk::Implmentor does derive from Glib::Interface but it doesn't inherit from Object.  Could that be the problem?


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