Re: Connecting to Configure signal event

On 11/26/2013 08:33 AM, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:

2013-11-26 05:09, a skrev:

I'm trying to connect to the configure signal event(signal_configure_event()), in the documentation I read that you have to enable Gdk::STRUCTURE_MASK, and I think that is the problem I am having. I tried do it several different ways, like this:

MainWindow::add_events(Gdk::STRUCTURE_MASK); //I think they are all synonyms, but just in case they weren't

and I tried using set_events() function too. Is this the correct way to enable STRUCTURE_MASK?

Thank you.

Tim O.
Have you read and added an after = false parameter in your call to signal_configure_event().connect()?


Thank you for the link, but I recently just read that using the configure signal could have performance problems, and I read in an old mailing list that signal_expose_event should be used, which is now signal_draw. So instead I was thinking of using signal_size_allocate. Because all I really want is just the window's size. So which one of these would have better for getting the window's size and then increases a Gtk::Entry width. Thank you.

Tim O.

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