Re: Building gtkmm 3 under win32 (mingw)

This guy on is doing a great job,
It seems he's providing binaries for either gtk3 (3.5.4) and gtkmm3 (3.5.4),
how comes nobody linked the project so far.
I didn't test it myself but I'll do it soon.
Thanks for sharing the link, cheers,

On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 10:47 PM, Netrick <netrick o2 pl> wrote:
Sorry for spam mate. there are even gtkmm 3.5 windows binaries. That's great! I think this project should be mentioned on gtkmm site.

Dnia 16 grudnia 2012 19:45 Giuseppe Penone <giuspen gmail com> napisał(a):

Since 2.24 the look is native on windows, at least this is what I experienced with my application which is using 2.24 but before was using 2.22. Gimp is also uning gtk 2.24 AFAIK.

The binaries for gtkmm are stuck to 2.22 but gtk binaries are available for 2.24, this is due to the guy taking care of the windows binaries that gave up AFAIK.

On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 5:59 PM, Netrick <netrick o2 pl> wrote:
Thanks. However, latest windows binaries are for gtkmm 2.22, not even 2.4. Well, gtkmm api is beautiful but I think I'll have to go with wx. Not to mention 2.4 looks rather ugly on windows, whereas 3 looks nice for windows (so someone build it, I think gimp also uses 3). But it was a secret build it seems.

Dnia 16 grudnia 2012 9:38 Giuseppe Penone <giuspen gmail com> napisał(a):

if you want to be cross platform you have to use gtkmm2.4, at the moment gtk3/gtkmm3 is not really cross platform
while it should be in future (but nobody knows when).

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Netrick <netrick o2 pl> wrote:
gtkmm is the best C++ gui lib. However, it claims to be crossplatform but last gtkmm (and gtk+) windows binaries are for old 2.2x versions. How can I compile it on windows using mingw 4.7? It seems like I also need to compile gtk 3.4 on windows but it also isn't straightforward. So, is gtkmm 3.x really crossplatform? Any good ways to compile gtkmm (including gtk+) on mingw? Or maybe pre built binaries?

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