Re: k3d error report

Thanks. Bit I think it would be best for you to contact the K3D
developers first, even though that message does say that you should
contact us.

It might be a generic gtkmm problem but it will need the K3D developers
to create a simple test case for us.

On Wed, 2010-11-24 at 19:32 -0500, MGOther aol com wrote:
> Hi,
> per the request in the log file, I'm reporting one, maybe other,
> errors that show up in the logfile.  I don't know if it's related to
> the problem that prompted me to look at the logfile in the first
> place, which is that that the render preview function doesn't appear
> to work.  (I click on the button/select the menu item and nothing
> happens.)  
> I'm a very casual potential user so I'm inclined to just give up
> before I drive myself crazy, but I figured I would report it.  Per
> then note's request for details about the platform, I'm not sure what
> you info need, but I'm running 64-bit Vista on a E7300 Core2Duo with
> 4MB of RAM, with an EVGA GT240 graphics card with Nvidia's latest
> driver, version  

murrayc murrayc com

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