Re: gnome-system-monitor+gtkmm

sorry, type.   why they NOT provide a separate gtkmm package in RHEL/CentOS so other project can also benefit from its gtkmm?

On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 10:16 PM, Micro Kernel <microkernel223 gmail com> wrote:
I heard gnome-system-monitor is based on gtkmm, and I also checked its source code, it's true.
But when I use ldd tool to check on RHEL5.4 or CentOS5.4's gnome-system-monitor binary, the result doesn't has gtkmm shared object at all.
My question is why is that?  Does gnome-system-monitor static link with gtkmm?
If so, why provide a separate rpm package in RHEL/CentOS? What are they trying to avoid?

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