Re: Glib::KeyFile bug?

Rob Pearce wrote:
I was about to post saying I'd never had any trouble, but then realised that when I started writing the app that uses KeyFile, it hadn't been wrapped in the stable Glibmm, so I'm using the C interface (wrapped by a C++ class that
looks like it still isn't stable :-(
I learned earlier that it crashes when the file doesn't exist but I just learned
that it also crashes if the key isn't there.  I guess that like you, I will have
to use the C interface.

pretends to be the Borland TIniFile class, for historical reasons). Your expectations are definitely valid for the C interface, but there may be a bug
Now I am really curious.  The app that I am converting was a Borland that used
the TIniFile.  I just planned to rewrite the ini part to use the KeyFile but
it might be nice to have the Borland wrapper.  Can you allow me to have your
Borland wrapper?  One thing I see that is missing from the KeyFile is the
default value.  Does your wrapper do the default value as does the Borland

Damon Register

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