Gtk::Entry Input Signalisation


i currently trying to update some parameters when some input on a text
entry field was done. I'm using signal_insert_at_cursor() to connect
some handler to it, but there isn't any indication (the callback
function is never called).

The Code:

   Gtk::Entry* l_mouseScaleX_pgtkentry;
   refXml->get_widget( "g_mouseScaleX_gentry",              
   if( l_mouseScaleX_pgtkentry != 0 )

     std::cout << "Hiho" << std::endl;
       connect( sigc::ptr_fun( &on_mouseScaleXInsertAtCursor ) );


void on_mouseScaleXInsertAtCursor(
       const Glib::ustring& f_insertedString_str
  std::cout << "ScaleX: " << f_insertedString_str << std::endl;  


Whats wrong? Why I get no indication? Is there another way to get
information about text changes in a text entry field?

Best regards,


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