Re: Development of gstmm

On 11/2/07, José Alburquerque <jaalburquerque cox net> wrote:
> Before I let this go, trying to use some C code, I noticed that use of
> signaling will probably be necessary (which wont be pretty).  If I  can
> I'd rather wait to use C++ code (it doesn't matter if it's a few months
> because I'm in on hurry).  Maybe in the mean time, I can sort of
> familiarize myself with the wrapping process in case I can help in some
> way (if you might accept some possible contribution to the wrapping
> process).  Maybe a few questions will clear things up in my mind:
> In the gst/src directory, there are a few *.defs files (it looks like
> they're written in scheme), where do they come from?  Are they written
> out manually?  I also notice that there are *.hg and *.ccg files.  As I
> understand from reading the gtkmmproc docs these files will be processed
> in the first pass to later generate the *.cc and *.h files.  What
> determines the processing of the *.hg *.ccg files?  (What I'm asking, if
> possible, is:  How was gtkmmproc "written" and how does it work?)  I
> know these may be general questions, but I really want to get a sense of
> what's going on in case I may be able to add something to gstmm.  Thanks.
> -Jose

Hello Jose,
I'm not personally involved in gstreamermm, but if you want to get an
overview of the process we use to wrap C++ libraries (gmmproc), you
can read through this appendix in the gtkmm tutorial:
It's not complete, but it gives you a good overview of the process.

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