Re: locale_to_utf8 multithread

Am Montag, den 25.06.2007, 17:36 +0200 schrieb Fabian Jacquet:

> I'm a new user of GLib and I have a problem using locale_to_utf8
> function with multiple threads.
> When 2 threads use locale_to_utf8 at same time, I have an access
> violation exception.
> Is it a bug or a bad use? 
> I simply do this in the threads:
> Glib::ustring name = Glib::locale_to_utf8("valeur avec �tc");

Should be safe.  While GLib does cache and re-use iconv_t descriptors,
it is supposed to be thread-safe.  Are you sure it is really
Glib::locale_to_utf8() causing the access violation?  Can you reproduce
the problem using the GLib C API?


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