Re: Dispatch of GObject virtual functions in GtkMM

On 1/28/07, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
On Sun, 2007-01-28 at 11:17 -0600, Matt Hoosier wrote:
> So here I think my original claim (that default signal handlers almost
> double [.452 ~= 2 * .272] the time to perform method calls on the
> widgets). The phase that I'm most interested in was the time to
> instantiate widgets and add them into the parents. Removing the
> default signal handlers helped matters a little: the overhead dropped
> by .8 sec, but it's still significantly higher than the equivalent
> Gtk+ vfunc calls by a full sec (.272 vs. .371).

Yet gtkmm can't now be adding anything else than the C++ function call
and maybe some parameter type conversions. Can you imagine any way that
it could be faster?

Yeah, agreed. These are all non-custom widgets, so the
Glib::ObjectBase() constructor should be called with the 0 parameter
to indicate no fancy dispatch needs to happen.

Maybe there's just so little actual work (usually, plop the child
widget inside a linked list and mark a size-negotiation queue request)
that the C++ call itself is a big fraction of the total execution.

On the other hand, for custom widgets: perhaps there's some way that
custom widgets can override the vfunc pointer in their GObject class
in exactly the same way that one does when overriding a method in
regular GObject? Would that break anything in gtkmm?

Also, are you using code size optimization, which could make it slower?
Are you building with exceptions?

Yes, I'm using -Os; exceptions are disabled.

Have you tried using kcachegrind or similar to find out exactly where
the time is spent?

Not yet. I wanted to confirm that there's a slowdown before trying to
figure out a way to run various *grind tools natively on ARM. I wonder
whether oprofile would give good enough resolution to find the

> I don't want to belabor things too much, but it might also be worth
> nothing that Gtk+ on _this_ (isolated, not perhaps very
> representative) test case is close to the magical 200 ms threshold
> which is generally regarded as the "tolerable" delay in UI's.
> Calibrating things as a delta from that point, gtkmm method dispatch
> can impose significant perceptible delay.
> I'm re-attaching the sources to the program used to generate the
> metric above. Murray: to answer your earlier confusion about callling
> "gtk_main_quit()" inside the expose handlers, I did this just to
> automate the closing of the window. None of the timing information
> after first on-screen appearance is relevant for this test.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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