Re: MenuList Auto-Import Linking Error

Hi Scott,

Could you please give us the version of gtkmm you use: my latest
binaries gtkmm-2.8.8-2 ?
Those problems should have been fixed in the latest release but one
particular case of bad auto-import might have been skipped.

Anyway, if you are really in a hurry for you project, try to add


to the gcc options at link time. No modification to your code is necessary.


On 9/14/06, Scott Johnson <scottj cs umn edu> wrote:
Hello Everyone.

I have been using gtkmm for a couple of years now, developing software
for school districts as well as for thesis research.  I recently opened
up an old project that used gtkmm-2.2, and converted it to gtkmm-2.4, as
well as converting the project from Dev-CPP to Code::Blocks.  Everything
went successfully, even compilation, when I commented out a small block
of code:

    // add all of the sub menus to the top menu bar
    MenuList items = topBar->items();

If I don't comment this line out, I get the following error:

variable 'vtable for Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuList' can't be
auto-imported. Please read the documentation for ld's
--enable-auto-import for details.

I have gotten this error in the past, when working with WX, and the
solution amounted to adding a #define in the compiler options of
Code::Blocks.  After an hour or so of searching, I am unable to find a
reference to this problem in relation to gtkmm or GTK+.  I am wondering
if anyone has any insight into what the compiler #define option might be
to resolve this, or if there is another solution.  All of my dlls and
include files were installed using a package installer (i.e. I didn't
build them from source).  I am using Windows XP as my platform.

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