Re: Creating widgets at runtime

On Saturday 09 September 2006 07:16, andypaxo wrote:
> I have a little experience with gtkmm, but just trying something new at the
> moment...
> I'm trying to add widgets to a program at runtime (as a simple example,
> adding buttons to an HBox in response to user input). However I'm not
> getting very far.
> Having tried several approaches and having scoured the internet and the
> docs for some time, I am getting nowhere.
> WARNING: There's a high probability that I'm really over-complicating
> things here
> (You most likely don't want to read this bit!)
> -  My first thought was to simply declare a new button in a method and add
> it to the HBox as you would with a member variable button, but nothing
> appears
> -  My second thought was to create a std::vector containing
> Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Button> objects (in order to hold onto the button after
> the method call had ended);
>    However, there seems to be no way to add the RefPtr object to an HBox
> (and no way to add a plain button to a vector)
> So, if anyone knows a way to generate widgets at runtime, it would be great
> to hear it,

How is it possible to generate or construct a widget except at runtime?  The 
idea of a compile-time widget is quite entertaining.

Possibly by a runtime widget you meant a widget allocated on the heap rather 
then a local or static object.  But as gtkmm is a wrapper for GTK+, and GTK+ 
allocates all its objects on the heap, even a local or static gtkmm object 
has most of its memory on the heap.


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