Re: Static Gtkmm / libglademm on Windows

Hi Alex,

Alex Biddle wrote:

> But to make it easier from the end-user's perspective I was wondering
> whether anyone had any experience making static builds of Gtkmm /
> libglademm win32 programs, so they wouldn't have to go round
> installing the various runtime environments. (The resulting static
> program would be larger, but that's not a problem).

You could indeed try to build gtkmm/libglademm as static libraries. The
problem is mostly with GTK+: as far as I know GTK+ does not work
correctly on win32 when used as a static library (loading of pango
modules and themes, ...) and I'm not even sure GTK+ can be built
statically on win32. So I would recommend keeping DLLs for the time
being. For gtkmm itself, just copy the DLLs in your application
directory. There is not other dependency, unlike GTK+ where some files
under etc/ must also be copied.

Alternatively, if your application comes with its own installer, just
make it also install the GTK+ and gtkmm runtimes silently (using the /S
option on the command line).


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