Re: Find out if a widget or window is actually visible?

I suspect that you did not understand my original question. I want to
know if the user can actually see the widget, not just if it is
theoretically visible in the sense that it has been shown via show() and
not subsequently hidden via hide(). In other words, I'm looking for a
call that also returns "false" if for instance the widget is covered by
a different window.

I have already explained that Gtk::Widget::is_visible() does this,
Nobody else seems to think so, though, based on the response here and the Gtk(mm) documentation. I even asked a couple Linux programs, and they said their impression had always been that is_visible() returns a flag that's set on show() and reset on hide(), and never touched by anyone else. Apparently, they have a cousin over in Win32 land that agrees with them, too.
and that you can get greater information about whether a widget is fully or partially obscured by connecting to the Gtk::Widget::signal_visibility_notify_event() signal.

If this does not work for you then you must be doing something wrong.
It's a method with no input and a simple return value. I can probably find 10 or 15 ways of using that wrong. I call it creativity.

- Toralf

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