Boxes in a frame

I have a class that derives from Gtk::Frame, which arranges its widgets in a vertical way, I need to add three horizontal  boxes to my class, but after using the member function add(widget*....) to add the three boxes and running the program I realize that I don't get the boxes displayed. Here is the snip code.
class AddressFrame : virtual public Gtk::Frame{
    Gtk::HBox* hboxOne;
    Gtk::HBox* hboxTwo;
    Gtk::HBox* hboxThree;
        hboxOne         = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox());
        hboxTwo         = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox());
        hboxThree       = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox());
  }catch ( std::bad_alloc & x ) {throw;}
I remember reading that when using the add() method one can only add one widget to the container, but after looking for its pack_start() counter part, I realize that this container does not have such member function.
What can I do to solve this problem?
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* If that document has fine printing anywhere, just chuck it in the garbage
- Jorge Escalante
Ma'assalama! Adiós! bye!

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