Re: [gtk-vnc-devel] Releasing proposal

Em Seg, 2008-02-18 às 15:37 -0600, Anthony Liguori escreveu:
> >
> > If an user run vinagre against gtk-vnc 0.3.4 (when it's released), it
> > will find a bad behavior in fullscreen mode, because I'm using old
> > set_pointer() behavior.
> >   
> How bad will the behavior be?  If it's unacceptable, I'm willing to say 
> that the old behavior was part of the old interface and introduce a new 
> interface that behaves "properly".

See, users have complained about the focus issue, which was fixed after
0.3.3. So, the fix will be available in 0.3.4.

Then I can't just say: upgrade gtk-vnc to 0.3.4, because this new
version is too different from previous, with new symbols, and worse: new

> > So, I could guarantee to vinagre's users that it will work with gtk-vnc
> > 0.3.x.
> >   
> I'd like to keep users working as much as possible.  If that means 
> introduce API warts, I'm okay with that.  Eventually, once we've got 
> enough confidence that we know how to do it right, we'll break the API 
> only once and get rid of the warts.

We were releasing 0.1, 0.2, 0.3.
0.3.1 came because 0.3.0 tarball was broken, and 0.3.1 was a fix only

Why not continue with this approach?

Jonh Wendell

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