Re: [gtk-vnc-devel] crash on disconnect

Jonh Wendell wrote:
Em Seg, 2008-04-14 às 22:56 +0100, Daniel P. Berrange escreveu:
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 04:11:53PM -0300, Jonh Wendell wrote:
Hi, folks.

I'm experiencing a crash when I disconnect in the middle of a zrle long
update (like when showing a big colored background image).
What do you mean by 'disconnect'  ? Are you closing the GTK window, or
just using the disconnect API in vncdisplay, or something else ?

In Vinagre, I press 'Close' button, which removes it from notebook,
which destroys the widget (actually it calls gtk_container_remove()
which can potentially destroy the widget).

The bug itself was already reported in Ubuntu:
My backtrace is similar to that one attached there in Launchpad:

I'm attaching my backtrace with debug output.

Any idea?
The debug output doesn't show any sign that GTK-VNC has been
asked to disconnect, so the co-routine is still running and
presumably whatever its writing to no longer exists.

Yes, in my case, I do not call vnc_close() or similar, I just destroy
the widget.

That's not the best of things to do. You should really explicitly close the connection before destroying the widget if you can.


Anthony Liguori



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