Fixed-width font on Windows

Hi all.

I have a textview for editing SQL. I set the font to fixed width like this:

    for my $widget_name ( "PARAM_VALUE.PARAM_VALUE"
                        , "TEMPLATE_SQL_READ_ONLY"
                        , "TEMPLATE.TEMPLATE_SQL"
                        , "SYNC_CTL.DELTA_CLAUSE"
                        , "ETL_Log"
                        , "TeradataStagingDDL"
                        , "TeradataTargetDDL"
                        , "NetezzaStagingDDL"
                        , "NetezzaTargetDDL"
                        , "UnitTest_ColumnComparison"
    ) {
        my $font = Pango::FontDescription->from_string( 'Fixed' );
        my $textview = $self->{glade}->get_widget( $widget_name );
        $textview->modify_font( $font );

This works great on Linux. On Windows, I get errors like:

Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Fixed Not-Rotated 10", falling back to "Sans Not-Rotated 10", expect ugly output

Why? Where does Gtk2 on Windows get it's fonts from? Should I try to install fonts? I've read there is a way to ask Pango for a list of fonts. Should I do this instead? What exactly is this method?


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