Re: Gtk2::ImageView memory issue

On Mar 6, 2009, at 5:40 PM, Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:

2009/3/6 Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch gmx de>:
GBoxed descendants have their own memory management infrastructure and thus also their own typemap variants: for functions returning newly constructed
instances of GBoxed descendants, use the _own typemap variant.  Then,

I've had to write code to convert the GBox struct to a hash and back
again - e.g.

static SV *
newSVGdkPixbufDrawCache (GdkPixbufDrawCache * cache)
 HV * hv = newHV();
hv_store (hv, "last_pixbuf", 11, newSVGdkPixbuf (cache- >last_pixbuf), 0);
 hv_store (hv, "old", 3, newSVGdkPixbufDrawOpts (&cache->old), 0);
 hv_store (hv, "check_size", 10, newSViv (cache->check_size), 0);
 return newRV_noinc ((SV *) hv);

Is the _own variant useful here?

No. _own is for when your perl wrapper will hold onto the actual boxed object. This is what the default wrappers do. You are converting the boxed object from a C struct to a native perl object (the hash) and back, so you don't need to hold on to the C object, therefore, you don't need _own.

How can I test that the _free method is being called?

Simplest is to wrap it:

static void
wrap_gdk_pixbuf_draw_cache_free (void * the_thing)
g_print ("OMG I'M ABOUT TO FREE A GdkPixbufDrawCache AT %p\n", the_thing);
    gdk_pixbuf_draw_cache_free (the_thing);

Then register wrap_gdk_pixbuf_draw_cache_free () as the destroy function instead of gdk_pixbuf_draw_cache_free() and watch for the messages on stdout.

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  -- Salvador Dali

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