Re: Problem setting icon for Gtk2::StatusIcon

January Weiner <january uni-muenster de> writes:

1) toggle icon to "busy"

number (1) does not seem to work, I am not able to seamlessly toggle
two icons.

What you posted works for me too, with stalonetray or trayer (not actual

This is strange, because I thought that calling
main_iterate repeatedly until there are no events pending should
assure that I have the "busy" icon visible *before* I start the

You probably should flush to ensure requests from the icon change go
out; I think (after the main_iterations),


If there's negotiation like Quentin said then in the worst case you
might have to ->sync then main_iterate, possibly repeating until a sync
doesn't make any new events pending (and maybe watching out for an
infinite loop) ... but I'd be surprised if that was needed.

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