.dll.a, .lib and ExtUtils whines

Why is it that ExtUtils::Depends::find_extra_libs seems to assume that import libraries have .lib extension if the OS is MSWin32 and .dll.a when it is cygwin?

I'm using GTK binaries from http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win32 and MinGW and thus the import libraries have .dll.a extension and $^O is MSWin32.

Also ExtUtils::PkgConfig gives (straight from .pc files from the above source) libs strings like "-lglib-2.0", to which I need to add ".dll" in the Makefile.PL to make them usable for ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

Camelbox seems to have "-lglib-2.0" etc. in Install/Files.pm, which I would also need to prepend with .dll. However, this is not very convenient when those strings are deep in ExtUtils::Depends objects.



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