Re: Gnome2::DateEdit cant turn off time section

On 22:37 Sun 27 Jan     , muppet wrote:

On Jan 27, 2008, at 1:21 PM, Mitchell Laks wrote:


The Gome2::DateEdit widget has two sections, date and time. For my  
the only relevant issue is the date. I don't want to display the time 
as it is not relevant
and will confuse the users.

I noticed that when I set up a gui with glade-3 and succeeded in  
turning off the time section
however when I invoked it with my gtk2-perl driver it stil displayed  
the time.

So, I said, maybe a bug in gtk2-perl, well let me shut downt the time 
section with an explicit
flag after display. Thus I tried:


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Gtk2 '-init';
use Gtk2::GladeXML;

my $gui=Gtk2::GladeXML->new('');
my $window = $gui->get_widget('window1');

my $dateedit=$gui->get_widget('gnomedateedit1');

I created a simple glade file with only a DateEdit in it, with the  
show-time flag turned off, and your script fails with

      Usage: Gnome2::DateEdit::set_flags(gde, flags) at line 12.

This is an actual bug in your code.  You have

      $dateedit->set_flags ('show-time', 0);

but the proper signature is Gnome2::DateEdit::set_flags(gde, flags),  
where flags is a Gnome2::DateEditFlags enumeration value.  I think what 
you want to pass here is the empty flagset "[]", since you want none of 
those options, only the date.

$dateedit->set_flags ([]);

However, that still doesn't give me a window with only the date,  



gtk_widget_show_all() shows the widget and all its children.  Widget  
implementations can opt out of this by setting the flag "no-show-all" or 

Dear Muppet,

Thank you very much for your very clear and informative message. 
Indeed setting the function

(or with use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);  set_no_show_all(TRUE)

works perfectly. 

I also noticed that glade-3 comes to the rescue!!! 
Even if GnomeDateEdit is broken.

Within the "Common"properties tab of glade-3 there is a "No show all" 
Thus if I select that, then indeed it does not show the time section!!!!!!

Now as you mention, I do not understand the flags bit at all.

In my direct trial 

my $dateedit =Gnome2::DateEdit->new(0,0,0);
my $scalar = $dateedit->get_flags;
print "my scalar is $scalar \n";

I got printed out to console:

my scalar is [  ]

which is cute, but certaily cryptic to me :(.

So do you simply put an anonymous array reference [] with the selected
flags, sort of like
[ flag1, flag2, flag3 ] ie like ['show-time','24-hr','week-starts-on-monday']
turns them on and [] alone will turn them off?

(question to self: What is the corresponding structure of this in Gtk+) 

Can you point out to me where flags are talked about in

This business with enums/properties/flags is not fully clear in my mind.
In my first app last week  I was able to figure out how to use 

set_property. Thus:



after I was able to find in different Gtk documents the list of properties
of the CellRendererText

I had more trouble for instance, sort of winging it with

my $tree_store = Gtk2::TreeStore->new(qw/Glib::String Glib::String Glib::String Glib::Int /);

where I was putting an integer into the fourth column of the tree store.
Thus what would i use for float or doubles if I wanted to store them in 
the table? The Gtk2::TreeStore documentation is cryptic on this. 

Thus in general Where to get a list of acceptable entries for a 'thing'.

I saw code in the beautiful gtk2-study book that uses

       foreach my $s_type (Glib::Type->list_values ('Gtk2::SelectionMode')){


to full a combobox with the nicknames of the types, which I thought very
clever, and I use this method to print out info to console too while debugging.

So to illustrate my ignorance. 

For instance for TreeStore the pod says

treestore = Gtk2::TreeStore->new (...)
      ... (list) of strings, package names

which is cryptic to me.

So I go elsewhere
So I am puzzled. Now I recall from reading the treeview tutorial


The GLib type system (GType) is used to indicate what type of data is stored in a model column. These are the 
most commonly used types:




      G_TYPE_LONG, G_TYPE_ULONG, G_TYPE_INT64, G_TYPE_UINT64 (these are not supported in early gtk+-2.0.x 


      G_TYPE_STRING - stores a string in the store (makes a copy of the original string)

      G_TYPE_POINTER - stores a pointer value (does not copy any data into the store, just stores the pointer 

      GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF - stores a GdkPixbuf in the store (increases the pixbuf's refcount, see below) 


and I guess for Gtk2 we convert those to Glib::Float for floats. 

(could we also keep it as G_TYPE_FLOAT in case we are using perl to 
prototype a future gtkmm  app (for other people to implement :)) 
and keep ourselves sane?)

So I guess "is there a way to extract this info directly from within the 
gtk-perl so we can 'print out all the possible good values'".

Another thing would be for a widget we can call set_property up the hierarchy,
it is nice to use things like 
Appendix A of "Foundations of Gtk+ development" by  A Krause
which I found in the library this week,
which gives a nice list of properties for each GObject.

Can information like this be extracted in one place centrally
directly from anything online? 

With regard to flags, I point out that Krause does not even have a 
entry in the index for flags.

With regards to enums and flags I see different widgets in the
pod have listings
for example for TextIter


    * flags Gtk2::TextSearchFlags 

flags Gtk2::TextSearchFlags


      'visible-only' / 'GTK_TEXT_SEARCH_VISIBLE_ONLY'

      'text-only' / 'GTK_TEXT_SEARCH_TEXT_ONLY'

with the corresponding method:

(match_start, match_end) = $iter->forward_search ($str, $flags, $limit=NULL)


      $str (string)

So is there a rule and 
how does one use 'flags', I am getting the idea that they are like
bitfields in c.

Similarly (while I have your attention :) ) for widgets like
ComboBox or scrolledwindow hich have enums like
enum Gtk2::ScrollType


      'none' / 'GTK_SCROLL_NONE'

      'jump' / 'GTK_SCROLL_JUMP'

      'step-backward' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_BACKWARD'

      'step-forward' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_FORWARD'

      'page-backward' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_BACKWARD'

      'page-forward' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_FORWARD'

      'step-up' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_UP'

      'step-down' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_DOWN'

      'page-up' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP'

      'page-down' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN'

      'step-left' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_LEFT'

      'step-right' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_RIGHT'

      'page-left' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_LEFT'

      'page-right' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT'

      'start' / 'GTK_SCROLL_START'

      'end' / 'GTK_SCROLL_END'

But these are not used in the constructors- rather only in the 
signals, so it is clear how to use them.

Similary often the enums such as Gtk2::SelectionMode are used in 
set_selection_mode methods, also clear how to use.

2. Even if  pod gives me the enums, I can get it valid values via  
       foreach my $s_type (Glib::Type->list_values ('Gtk2::SelectionMode')){

my $nick = $s_type->{'nick'});
my $name = $s_type->{'name'});

print " my name is $name my nick is $nick \n";

3, For flags what would list them? Syntax for using them?
Thus (Using [] will
zero them - Is it simply a anonymous  array reference?)


I hope I have not bothered you too much :(. I am a newbie :).


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