Re: Signals for Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List

On Jan 22, 2008, at 11:01 AM, MICHAEL MCGINN wrote:

When I toggle the "toggle field" on or off I want to trigger a signal to perform an action based on the data in one of the "text fields" in that corresponding row.

SimpleList derives from Gtk2::TreeView, so all methods on a treeview are available.

$slist->get_model->signal_connect (row_changed => sub {
        my ($model, $path, $iter) = @_;
        print "row_changed signal says ".$path->to_string." changed\n";

        # you can cheat and use the path string as an index
        # (but this actually involves more work under the hood)
        print "    [ ".join (", ", @{$slist->{data}[$path->to_string]})." ]\n";

        # or go straight there with the model API
        # (in perl, not specifying a column index means "all of them")
        print "    [ ".join (", ", $model->get ($iter))." ]\n";

        print "\n";

(Note that since the SimpleList instance is merely a re-blessed TreeView, not an actual Glib::Object::Subclass-made, GType-registered subclass, SimpleList cannot create a new signal, such as row-index- changed. Would be nice, though.)

If the monkey could type one keystroke every nanosecond, the expected waiting time until the monkey types out Hamlet is so long that the estimated age of the universe is insignificant by comparison ... this is not a practical method for writing plays.
  -- Gian-Carlo Rota

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