Re: GtkGC shared auto-release

On Dec 22, 2007, at 12:20 PM, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:

On Sat, 2007-12-22 at 10:08 +1100, Kevin Ryde wrote:

How about calling the package Gtk2::Ex::GCPool or similar?

That could be ok.

That is, have Gtk2::Ex::GCPool->get bless the gc
into Gtk2::Ex::GCPool::CustomGC and put the @ISA mangling and DESTROY in
that package.

That'd make live easier for further subclassing would it?

Hmm, I'm not sure anymore. When I made the Gtk2::Ex::GCPool suggestion, I was thinking that the thing that you call get() on and the thing that is returned from get() are different conceptually. But if you think of
get() as a constructor, that's not true.

So my current thinking is that the most sensible name would be
Gtk2::Ex::SharedGC.  Or maybe some name that conveys the automatic
releasing done.  Gtk2::GC itself already offers shared GCs, so there
ought to be something better than SharedGC.

This is rather interesting, as it's a corner of the API i don't recall ever visiting.

I get the impression that the ->release call is a bit of memory management magic that we have leaked by accident. If you're going to release the GC for other code to use, you're going to lose your last reference to it (which is why it has to be done with DESTROY --- FINALIZE_INSTANCE won't be called until after DESTROY), so why should you have to call an explicit release?

Should we just add this DESTROY override to the bindings? (Taking care to retain compatibility with code that calls ->release explicitly, of course.)

It seems silly to have such a small external sugar module to fix something like this...

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