Re: GParamSpec further funcs

Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch gmx de> writes:

It needs more work to cope with unichar values (at least).

Oh, just in the tests though.  I see it wants integer values through
gperl_value_from_sv().  New one below.

If integers are the right thing it's a little inconsistent with
get_default_value() returning a string.  Not much fun if you thought to
do a generic

    $pspec->values_cmp ($somevalue, $pspec->get_default_value())

to compare against the default say.  Hmm.  Is there an example
program/module working with a unichar param to have a look at?

Attachment: GParamSpec.xs.values_cmp_2.diff
Description: Text Data

Attachment: e.t.values_cmp_2.diff
Description: Text Data

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