Re: gtk-perl makes ASCII world domination one step closer

Hi all, 

gpad is now know as 'AsciiO'. It can be downloaded from CPAN at:

It would be great if someone could answer the button questions found at the 
bottom of my previous mail.

I'll present AsciiO at YAPC::E this summer. It's a good way to get some 
gtk-perl coverage. Help to make AsciiO better is always welcome.

Cheers, Nadim.

On Wednesday 26 March 2008 01.00.02 nadim khemir wrote:
Hi all,

As I am approaching the hundredth commit in gpad, I thought I'd give you an
update and ask a few questions.

I told you that I hacked gpad because I was bored. Boy do I regret to not
have taken this project more seriously! I'd give my empire for a test

Anyway, gpad is going well. Among the changes:
    ADDED: user definable context menues
    ADDED: font and zoom handling
    ADDED: optional automatic backup on save
    ADDED: import/export handlers
    ADDED: shortcuts to create elements and automatically edit them
    ADDED: groups have a different select/not_selected background color
    ADDED: redo
    FIXED: file-save and complete with file-save-as
    ADDED: adding stencil elements by name
    ADDED: scripting library
    ADDED: auto connect and export to clipboard
    ADDED: forward mouse events to registred actions

Still missing,I'll implement only if needed or some asks for it:
- a proper install (high priority will be done)
- auto routing (I'm trying to find someone to do that :)
- drag-drop
- multi tab

I worked a bit on usability and generating a diagram goes fast.I'll make a
screencast maybe that will give some the envie to try

a few questions:

How do I add icons to buttons as code below looks boring (a link will do

$dialog->add_button ('Continue editing' => 'no');
$dialog->add_button ('Quit and loose changes' => 'yes');

Is it possible to change the keyboard shortcut for a stock button? I'd like
to use ctl(or alt)-enter instead for alt-c in the dialog below:


   | X|O|  Box Attributes        |_|x |
   || edit area                      ||
   |                    .------------.|
   |                    | |X| _Close || <------.
   |                    '------------'|        |

   '----------------------------------'        |

                         $dialog->add_button ('gtk-close' => 'close');

Cheers, Nadim.
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