Re: representin' on darwin ports

On Dec 30, 2007 7:57 PM, muppet <scott asofyet org> wrote:
My wife just stumbled across this, and i thought i'd pass it on.

FYI, here's the versions of the core Gtk2-Perl apps that get installed:

[manzana][brian 504] port installed | grep -E "gtk|glib|cairo"
  cairo @1.4.10_0+quartz (active)
  glib2 @2.12.12_0 (active)
  gtk2 @2.10.13_0 (active)
  p5-cairo @1.041_0 (active)
  p5-glib @1.144_0 (active)
  p5-gtk2 @1.144_0 (active)

Gtk2::GladeXML is also up there (version 1.006).

For the 'cairo' port, the port variant "quartz" is specified, which
usually means something like "./configure --with-quartz" gets run when
the port is built from source.  Quartz is OS X's rendering layer, but
you still need to have X11 running on the Mac for a GTK app to work.
Even though X11 is on the install DVD for OS X, it doesn't come
installed with the default install of OS X, you have to add it or
specify it at install time.



"(Rock and roll is) a rebellion against the Puritan ethic which was
decreed from the beginning of our society that Americans are not
allowed to have pleasure" -- Alan Lomax, 1959

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