Re: multiple-item drag-and-drop

On Aug 29, 2007, at 7:32 AM, Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:

But I still don't understand how to determine the height of the header
row of a Simple::List.

/me pokes at gtktreeview.c for a few minutes.

I would presume that while you are dragging a row from the tree view, you are getting events from a grab of the pointer in the treeview's bin_window. The bin_window is the GdkWindow of the scrollable part of the widget, which is anchored at a y coordinate of TREE_VIEW_HEIGHT (treeview).

In theory, then, header height = widget allocation height - bin window drawable height. The drag-motion callback doesn't give you an event, so you'd have to capture this value in the button-press-event that starts the drag, as, i'm thinking, that button-press-event will happen with $event->window == treeview->private->bin_window.

# when the user clicks, store the current header height, in case this
   # click starts a drag.
   $treeview->signal_connect (button_press_event => sub {
       my ($widget, $event) = @_;
       my (undef, $bin_window_height) = $event->window->get_size;
$widget->{header_height} = $widget->allocation->height - $bin_window_height;
       return FALSE;

I can't help thinking there ought to be a way to get it to work without knowing this stuff, but i have never messed with it, so it's just conjecture. :-/

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