Custom Cell Renderer broken after update

Hi all.

I have a custom cell renderer that handles dates in my project Gtk2::Ex::Datasheet::DBI. It has been working *flawlessly* for me up until now ...

After a *major* system upgrade ( all Gtk2 stuff, all Perl stuff ), the display of these date cell renderers is broken :(

The pop-down calender appears to work OK still, but the rendering of the cell when it's inactive is pretty strange. Some cells don't render at all, while others render the wrong data completely. Also, when I wave my mouse over them, everything changes! The actual values in the model don't change though - at least Gtk2::Ex::Datasheet::DBI still knows what data is in there, and doesn't detect changes to the data when the display changes. No matter what the cell looks like when inactive, when I click in it to bring up the pop-up calendar, the correct data is in the calendar. A screenshot that demonstrates the issue is at:

All the figures in the 1st column should have dates in them. Also note that the cell that has just been clicked disagrees with the pop-up calendar about which date it's supposed to be storing.

Any ideas what's up? Sorry. I realise this is a strange one ...

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
email: dkasak nusconsulting com au

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