Re: help needed with viewports and scrolledwindows

On Nov 12, 2005, at 9:21 PM, Mr Brian Kiefel wrote:

When I do a set_value to a scrolledwindow nothing happens.

Are you doing this while the main loop is running? Are the adjustment bounds set up correctly?

This adjustment of your code works for me:

use Gtk2 -init;

$window = Gtk2::Window->new;
$vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(0,0);

my $scwin = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new();
$ha1 = $scwin->get_hadjustment;
my $label = Gtk2::Label->new("hello there this line should not fit");
$vbox->pack_start($scwin, 0, 0,0);

$ha1->{dir} = +1;
Glib::Timeout->add (50, sub {
        my $current = $ha1->get_value;
        my $increment = $ha1->step_increment;
        my $new = $current + $increment * $ha1->{dir};
        if ($new >= $ha1->upper - $ha1->page_size) {
                $new = $ha1->upper - $ha1->page_size;
                $ha1->{dir} = -1;
        } elsif ($new <= $ha1->lower) {
                $new = $ha1->lower;
                $ha1->{dir} = +1;
        $ha1->set_value ($new);
        return 1;

$window->signal_connect (destroy => sub {Gtk2->main_quit});

"that's it! you're a genius!" "yes. that's what i think. do you think i deserve a raise?"
    - dialogue from 'Godzilla versus Mothra', 1964

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