Re: Adding a CellRendererCombo to a SimpleList

On May 11, 2005, at 11:51 PM, Dan wrote:

So far I have:

                            type        => "Glib::Scalar",
                            renderer    => "Gtk2::CellRendererCombo",
                            attr        => "text"

But the 'attr' value is wrong. What's more, I don't think there *is* an
attribute I can just 'set' like this, is there? So I need to add a sub
here to walk through the values in the model, testing each one as I go,
and set the correct iter when I get to it. Or am I missing some simpler
Not sure i follow in my groggy state.  CellRendererCombo inherits from 
CellRendererText, so the text attribute is valid.  It's also perfectly 
valid to use a subroutine for the attr (the manpage has an example).
SimpleList's column types are designed to map one column's value to one 
cellrenderer's property; if you need two for the CellRendererCombo, 
then, yes, you'll have to do something manual.
Note that it should be possible to use the SimpleList's TiedList class 
to tie a model, and use that model with your own view implementation.  
(The real attractive feature is the tied behavior, after all.)
I don't have a drinking problem,
'cept when i can't get drink.
  -- Tom Waits

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