Re: Gtk2::MozEmbed + DOM

On Sat, 2005-03-26 at 21:58 +0100, Scott Lanning wrote:

I assume you meant to put that in the top of
I put it after GPERL_CLOSURE_MARSHAL_INIT (closure, marshal_data);.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be getting called. :(
What does that imply?

The only guess I have left is that maybe another version of
Gtk2::MozEmbed gets used when you run the example.  Is there any such
version, perhaps in /usr instead of /usr/local?  Does it work if you do

  perl -I blib/lib -I blib/arch examples/pumzilla

instead of just

  perl examples/pumzilla


I put the output of building below, in case that would
be helpful. The only weird things seem to be
"nsIDOMKeyEvent is not registered with the GLib type system."
but I think that is only during POD generation so not a showstopper.

The output looks fine.  The warnings come from the doc generators when
they try to look up a display name for the type.  You can create a
`doctypes´ file (see Gnome2/doctypes for an example) to suppress them.

Do you get any build errors when you build with warnings enabled:

  export PASTHRU_INC="-Wall -Werror -ansi"



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