Re: Gtk2::Helper or Glib::IO event watcher problem

On Mar 22, 2005, at 5:45 AM, Vyacheslav Dikonov wrote:

I need to write a perl script that would act as a frontend to another perl script and show its console output in a non-locking "realtime" manner. The
backend script does a lengthy job and outputs some messages via print
"message\n"; . I want these messages to be received, parsed and visualised
by the frontend.

It does sound like a FAQ, but unfortunately the FAQ did not help me.

hmmm.  there appears to be an html problem in the FAQ.

        my $line = ;

the "<IN>" has been eaten by the browser.

i dropped that into the snippet you posted and it worked fine. in fact, it wouldn't compile without it.

Is there any other way to implement event based pipe reading with Perl::Gtk2?

you could use Glib::IO->add_watch() directly; Gtk2::Helper is a wrapper that makes it behave more like the old Gtk-Perl.

This worked for me:

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;
  use Gtk2 -init;
  my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
  my $scroll = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
  my $textview = Gtk2::TextView->new;
  my $buffer = $textview->get_buffer;
  $window->add ($scroll);
  $scroll->add ($textview);
  $window->signal_connect (destroy => sub { Gtk2->main_quit });

open(IN, q^perl -e '$|++; for($i=0;$i<10;$i++) { $sum+= $i; print "Line $i: sum = $sum\n"; sleep 1;}'|^)
       or die "Failed running perl subprocess\n";

  Glib::IO->add_watch ( fileno(IN), ['in', 'hup'], sub {
          my ($fileno, $condition) = @_;
          if ($condition eq 'hup') {
                  warn "done\n";
                  close IN;
                  return 0;  # uninstall
          warn "reading...\n";
          my $line;
          sysread IN, $line, 1024;
          warn "read $line\n";
          $buffer->insert($buffer->get_end_iter, $line);
          return 1;


I don't have a drinking problem,
'cept when i can't get drink.
  -- Tom Waits

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