Re: Gtk2::Ex::Datasheet::DBI-0.2 is out

On Thu, 2005-06-16 at 10:55 +1000, Dan wrote:
Kevin C. Krinke wrote:

On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 13:01 +1000, Daniel Kasak wrote:

I will be fixing the issue with the dependencies in the next release so
that Gtk2::Ex::Dialogs/Utils are suitable for the Win32 environment.

ETA on this next release?
I have some projects on the horizon that will need this. I can dodgy
things up to work on a limited number of machines, but I'd like to have
a cleaner solution if I have to support a large number of machines.

I've been hijacked by real life for the past few months and have gotten
much less done than I've wanted too with regards to my free software
responsibilities and for that I'm truly sorry as only of recent have I
been made aware of a few who actually use the code.

I will do my best to have a new release out by this Monday in light of
your pressing needs. However, I will state that I most certainly would
appreciate any patches to the current release implementing any feature
or change desired. I will incorporate anything I receive before Monday
into this release in one form or another.

Some examples:

 * more constants that you use for common things
 * any "Pure Perl" implementation of a Gnome2 widget
 * unique general purpose user dialogs and prompts
 * anything else you can think of

Kevin C. Krinke <kckrinke opendoorsoftware com>
Open Door Software Inc.

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