Re: Running Gtk2-Perl from a C program

On Sat, Feb 12, 2005 at 09:36:24 -0500, muppet wrote:
12:49AM <ben> I want to figure out a way to run perl code from a GTK+ C 
12:50AM <ben> so...  I can do things like make signal handlers...  in 
12:51AM <ben> so most code would be written in C, but some could be 
handled by perl code...
12:52AM <ben> I also want to discuss how practical that would be
12:52AM <ben> I know Gimp does it.  as a way to allow users to make 
12:53AM <ben> that interface seems a little convoluted.  it seems like 
 simpler should be possible

This thread talks about embedding Gtk2-Perl in a C program (a gmodule, 
actually), points to GAIM's implementation, and even includes a little 

Gaim's perl support is unfortunately currently broken and it never was
really quite right (it used to have many reference miscounts) :-(.

                                                 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb ucw cz>

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